Salmon Crested Cockatoo

  • Scientific Name: Cacatua Moluccensis
  • Indonesian Name: Kakatua Jambul or Kakatua Maluku
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Psittaciformes
  • Country Origins: South Moluccan Archipelago, in the East of Indonesia
  • Province: Seram, Ambon, Haruku, and Saparua, the salmon-crested cockatoo now occupies habitat almost exclusively in Seram

Conservation Status


Extinct in the Wild

Critically Endangered



Near Threatened

Least Concern

General Information


Lowland rain forest up to 1000m




850 grams


Seeds, nuts and fruit, as well as coconuts.


20-40 in the wild, 50-70 in captivity.

Salmon crested cockatoo

Fun Facts

This bird is named for its exceptionally long, backward-curving, salmon-pink crest, though the rest of its body is white with hints of soft pink.

They can hold their food in one leg while breaking it into smaller pieces with the other one.

The word “cockatoo” originated from the Indonesian/Malay word, kakatua. Kakatua translated to “older sister”, which came from a folklore in the Maluku Islands. According to folklore, a little boy who lived in the forest thought a cockatoo was his older sibling. The story inspired a local song called “Burung Kakatua”.

Cockatoos are extremely smart. They know how to use tools

There are over 21 different types of cockatoo.