Here at Lombok Wildlife Park, we prioritise education over entertainment. We believe that education is paramount to not only the welfare of the animals in our care, but also for wild animals across the world.
With this in mind, Lombok Wildlife Park developed the Out-of-School Learning (PLS) program. This program is specifically intended for students from Kindergarten to High School as an effort to introduce flora and fauna and conservation education.
The purpose of the PLS is to serve the children so they can learn, grow and develop their knowledge of different species and their habitats. It helps children develop skills and more importantly mental attitudes towards animals and the environment, which would hopefully serve as a stepping stone to future generations, that will help to bring about change for all animals across the world.
School children are welcome to the park. When they arrive they will be greeted by an experienced guide who will take the children on a tour around the park. They will talk about the animals, where they come from, their diet and habitat and also have special group feeding interactions.
For more information regarding PLS, or if you wish to book with us:
Email: info@lombokwildlifepark.com.
Phone: +6281339783324 (Erik Pratama) WhatsApp Ready
"Let's build a generation that loves diversity of animals."
See you at the park!